Super Mario Galaxy Object Database

Objects | Configs | Occurrences

Config: StaffRollDemoObj

Sets up the ending credits by creating and registering several objects as well as the scrolling text. The objects StaffRollSky, StaffRollDecorateFaceShip, StaffRollDecorateComet and PeachCastleNightPlanet need to be linked to it. Further, it uses nine GeneralPos positions to specify the player's position during the cycles. The GeneralPos instances also specify the background (BVA frame) from StaffRollSky to be used during the individual cycles. If the player has collected 120 Power Stars, the epilogue sequence (ChildRoomGalaxy) will be initiated.



Gets activated when the credits start playing. Gets deactivated again after the credits played.



Uses nine points to specify the player's position as well as the background during cycles. The name's format is マリオ位置%02d空%02d where the variables are the cycle index and StaffRollSky's BVA frame, respectively.